
A simple life is a happy one, learning to enjoy, explore and discover whatever your age :)

As an author…

Aberdeenshire Folk Tales cover

Aberdeenshire Folk Tales’ is a great book of stories and legends from in and around Aberdeen.

It was great fun to write! Sheena tells many of tales of Deeside, where she spent so much of her childhood, while I tell many of the tales that Stanley Robertson, a wonderful friend and mentor, passed on. He was a traveller and delighted in giving stories, songs intermingled with pearls of wisdom and knowledge gleaned on life’s tough journey.


Scottish Urban Myths and Ancient Legends’ is filled with extraordinary tales from all around Scotland.

Sheena and I were told to write one book of urban myths for the whole of Scotland, but then were requested to write about the Loch Ness monster…I argued that if they wanted the legend o Nessie in, then other legends should be permitted; this gave room to produce a colourful book filled with many a grand tale!

Tales in your pocket

‘Tales in your Pocket’ is a resource to enhance your time in the outdoors – playing, exploring and discovering more of what is around you.

Beyond a passing glance, what can be heard and seen?

A tale, a song is beckoning, whispering from the green

Sights and scents and wonders are living all around

Step closer now, look deeper still; come softly, gently in.

Buy your copy here

Below are links to helpful sites relevant to the creatures and vegetation covered in the booklet:


Fox info                                                                                                                                                     

Rabbit info


Red squirrel info

Deer info


Crow info

Owl info

Feeding birds

Wren info

Creepy crawlies                                                                                                                                  

Bumble bee info

Caterpillar info

Ladybird info

Spider info


Dandelion cooking and wildfood guide

Growing and use of plants info

Plants with a warning

Nettle info + Butterfly habitat + nettle soup

Flower identification


Ash info

Birch info + uses + trees for life info

Scots pinewoods info: animal poo + birdsong + blueberry icecream

Sycamore info: Black spot investigators + Tree identification

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